Quantitative Research Divison


Algorithm Implementation of SOTA Online Portfolio Selection

Contributor: Victor Xiao, Dustin Yu, Yanpeng Wang, John Zhou, Polo Li, Joanne Wu, Kevin Wang, Jason Ji

Online portfolio selection is a fundamental problem in computational finance, which has been extensively studied across industries and research communities. Such, we constructed a systematic methodology for online portfolio selection algorithms, including benchmark, follow-the-winner, follow-the-loser, pattern-matching algorithms and meta-learning augmentation. The project aims to provide a comprehensive survey and a structural understanding of published online portfolio selection techniques. The project is currently open-sourced here.


Multi-factor Portfolio Strategies Framework

Contributor: Polo Li, Victor Xiao, John Zhou, Troy Wu, Jason Ji, Hankle Liu

State-of-the-art Multi-factor investment framework, constituting factor mining, data cleaning, factor analysis, factor integration, and portfolio optimization modules. The universe in which factors are mined and explored can be divided into three features space: fundamental factors, high-frequency statistical factors(quantity-price factor) and macro-economic factors.

Transformer with Hierarchical Risk Parity Embeddings [ETC x Risklab Colaboration]

Contributor: Johnson Zhao, Hankle Liu, John Zhou

Through utilization of Natural Language Processing Techniques, mainly, Transformer encoders with embedding of financial time series such as log return and volatility of stocks and industry index into learned representation space; the project explored a state-of-the-art approach of systematic predication on the financial market.

Multifactor Strategy Backtesting with Python/R

Contributor: Jack Chen

Factor investing is a popular approach in the quantitative equity investing world, and since the Fama-French 3-factor model, academia and practitioners have developed a lot of different models to try to catch the market anomaly. Multi-factor models are the most cutting-edge quantitative equity investing strategy with solid empirical evidence from academic research. This package aims to provide a structure of building factor investing strategy and backtesting in Python or R. It is currently only accessible by ETC Academy members and not for distribution.


ETC Journal of Portfolio Management

Our proprietary quater publications on global macro strategies, markets insights, industry sector reports and state-of-the-art quantitative strategies.

Our Pick of Literature: Portfolio Management and Quantative Finance Paper of the Year

Global Macro Strategy Review: Asset Allocation and Macro Research